Dr Mani Naghibi


Consultant Gastroenterologist


"Dr Mani Naghibi is the lead for upper gastrointestinal cancers at St Mark's and Northwick Park Hospital. He is also the co-author of the national British Artificial Nutrition Survey (BANS) reports for adult home parenteral nutrition. 

His specialist interests are nutrition, cancer care and conditions causing changed bowel habits or discomfort. Dr Mani Naghibi takes gained his medical degree at Guy’s Kings and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London, where he also undertook a second degree in Anatomy and Physiology. 

After university he completed his training in the London and Wessex deaneries, specialising in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine. Dr Mani Naghibi undertook his sub-specialty training and research at University Hospital Southampton. 

His Medical Doctorate was awarded on the topic of artificial nutrition for patients with cancer. He was awarded the Shire Prize for innovation in Gastroenterology in 2014 for designing and implementing a web-based patient management system, which allows patients to take greater control of their health and medical treatments. 

Dr Mani Naghibi’s research is based on nutrition, cancer and patient choice.


Artificial nutrition
Abdominal pain and reflux
Cancer and nutrition for prevention and improved treatment outcomes
Functional bowel disorders
Conditions causing change in bowel habits

Recent publications

Naghibi M, Smith TS and Elia M. A systematic review with meta-analysis of survival, quality of life and cost-effectiveness of home parenteral nutrition in patients with inoperable malignant bowel obstruction. Clin Nut. 2015; 34, 825-837

Saunders J, Naghibi M, Smith T, King A, Leach Z and Stroud M. Taurolidine lock significantly reduces the incidence of catheter related blood stream infections in patients on home parenteral nutrition. Euro J Clin Nut. doi:10.1038/ejcn.

Naghibi M, Ahmed A, al Badri AM, Bateman A, Shepherd HA, Gordon JN. The successful treatment of IgG4-positive colitis with adalimumab in a patient with IgG4-related sclerosing disease - a new subtype of aggressive colitis? J Crohn’s Colitis. 2013;1(7)(3):e81-4.

Naghibi M, Ward R, Shutt J. Definitive therapy for a rare cause of recurrent ascites. Frontline Gastroenterol 2012;3:206-209.

Naghibi M, Ward R, Shutt J. Definitive therapy for a rare cause of recurrent ascites. Frontline Gastroenterol 2012;3:206-209.

Professional memberships


Dr Mani Naghibi is registered with all major insurers and is fee assured.

A 30-minute new outpatient appointment is charged at £240.

A follow up appointment is charged at £200.

Longer appointments for complex cases or second opinions are available.

I have full medical & professional indemnity with Medical Protection Society, certificate No: 322934. GMC No. 6120935.


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