Mr Mahesh Kumar


Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon


Mr Mahesh Kumar completed his study in dentistry from Kings College, London in 1990. Since graduating, Mr Kumar remained in the hospital system with a decisive view to pursue his chosen career in OMFS. Mr Kumar completed his Fellowship in Dental Surgery in 1993 and subsequently obtained experience at registrar level at The Royal London London Hosiptal involving orthognathic, trauma, dentoalveolar and oncological surgery.

During his term at medical school, Mr Kumar undertook an elective study in oral cancer at The Regional Hospital, Trivandrum in South India for which he was presented with the Preiskal Prize in Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Mr Kumar continued to develop his career in medicine, which took him both across the country and around the globe, gaining essential experience in ear, nose and throat surgery, accident and emergency medicine and general surgery. He gained the FRCS in Clinical Surgery in General in 2000.

With all his experience and training, Mr Kumar has driven his career and ambition towards becoming an outstanding and effective Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon.

To this end, Mr Kumar is currently posted as a Consultant at the Hillingdon and North West London Hospitals. 


Cancer Care
Cosmetic Surgery
ENT Surgery
Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Recent publications

Pleomorphic adenoma (benign mixed tumour) of the salivary glands: its diverse clinical, radiological, and histopathological presentation.
Ravi K Lingam, Ahmed A Daghir, Ezra Nigar, Syeda A.B. Abbas, M. Kumar
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 

A rare case of bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation presenting in the zygoma
K. Shakib, H. Kalsi, E. Tsiridis, M. Kumar
Northwick Park Hospital, Regional Maxillofacial Centre.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg.

Use of n-butyl2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive to splint traumatised teeth in the emergency department
Alistair R.M. Cobb, Seif Ahmad, M. Kumar
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 

Support for trainees in publications:The Perfect Maxillofacial Surgery Training Programme? The after effects of the Tooke Report
S. Kumar, M. Shorafa, M. Kumar
BAOMS Poster 2009 

Implantable Dopler probe monitoring of Head and Neck Free Flaps
A. Ketabchi, D. Shah, M. Amin, M. Kumar, M. Gilhooly,
B. Visavadia
BAOMS Poster 2008 

Professional memberships


I am registered with all major insurers and am fee assured.


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